Cunningham Mining

The future of Mining is Digital Tokens.

This innovative approach offers more than just financial participation; token holders become more than investors – they become co-owners, sharing in the potential prosperity of the mine. This participation ownership model is not merely a financial transaction but a collaboration between Cunningham Mining and its global community. It signifies a collective endeavor to unlock the hidden treasures of the Nugget Trap, ensuring that the benefits reach beyond geographical boundaries and into the hands of those who believe in the project's potential. With this bold initiative, Cunningham Mining is reshaping the future of mining investments. By embracing the power of blockchain and decentralized finance, Cunningham Mining is not only raising capital but also fostering a sense of shared ownership and responsibility.

The vision is clear: to create a thriving ecosystem where investors, local communities, and the environment coexist harmoniously, ensuring sustainable development and prosperity for generations to come. As the sun sets behind the majestic peaks of the Golden Triangle, Cunningham Mining stands poised on the edge of a new era – an era where mineral resources are not just commodities but pathways to progress, and investments are not just financial transactions but commitments to shared success. In the heart of British Columbia, in the depths of Nugget Trap, a story of collaboration, innovation, and prosperity is being written – one digital token at a time.

About Us

Cunningham Mining has successfully completed the acquisition of the Placer Claims known as the 'Nugget Trap Placer Mine" in the British Columbia Mineral Title registry, covering 573.7 acres, along with the accompanying permits and authorizations ("Property"). The Property is situated within the Skeena Mining Division of British Columbia, Canada, in the area known as BC's Golden Triangle. The Nugget Trap Placer Mine underwent testing in the 1930s but was never commercially mined for gold and silver due to its remote location and commodity prices of the era. Situated approximately 69 miles northwest of the town of Stewart, British Columbia, the mineable area of the placer claim has been fed by glacial movement and pooling, creating ideal mining conditions for the recovery of gold and silver. A recent independent assay, which includes data from a 25-pit test program, indicated an average of over 25.54 grams of gold per cubic meter of pay dirt, as well as meaningful amounts of silver. The company is currently in the process of permitting for a 15,000 cubic yard per annum pay dirt mining program with the British Columbia Ministry of Mines. Located in northwestern British Columbia, Canada, the Golden Triangle boasts some of the most impressive gold discoveries in North America.

Today, the region is experiencing newfound interest thanks to a strengthening gold market and new advances in infrastructure. Seabridge's KSM Project, based in BC's Golden Triangle, is one of the largest undeveloped gold deposits globally, measured by gold reserves, and is in close proximity to the Nugget Trap Placer claim. An updated Preliminary Feasibility Study (PFS) estimates proven and probable reserves totaling 38.8 million ounces of gold and 10.2 billion pounds of copper. Three lithologic units underlie the Property, with the Upper Jurassic Bowser Lake Group of thinly bedded mudstones and siltstones overlying the Middle Jurassic pillow lavas and interbedded mudstones of the Lower Salmon River Formation. Quaternary sediments cover the two Jurassic Formations in the Unuk River and Sulphurets Creek Valleys. The sediments range in size from boulders to fine silt and contain fine-grained placer gold in the Sulphurets Creek drainage. The gold recovered was fine-grained flakes that were jagged or torn with sharp edges due to glacial action. The source of the gold in the gravels is from various large gold and copper deposits identified upstream and up ice from the Property, including the Mitchell, Sulphurets, Kerr, and Snowfield deposits of Seabridge Gold Inc.

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Stay informed with Cunningham’s Historical presence


Cunnigham Mining Ltd, a minority interest portfolio company of Houston Natural Resources Corp (OTC: HNRC) ("Company"), provided an update on acquiring an interest of up to 19.8% in Kharrouba Copper Company, Inc ("KCC" or "Company"). Cunningham Mining Ltd will be assuming the financing commitment into KCC.

HNRC Ventures into the Digital Economy

Houston Natural Resources Corp (OTC: HNRC) ("HNRC or the Company") is thrilled to announce a groundbreaking milestone in its strategic journey towards the digital economy. HNRC has successfully endorsed the transformation of its 9% holding in Cunningham Mining